www.coke.com/bracketrefresh - NCAA March Madness Bracket Refresh Sweepstakes

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by WorkQ Admin 2863 Views 0

www.coke.com/bracketrefresh - NCAA March Madness Bracket Refresh Sweepstakes

All Sweepstakes

by WorkQ Admin 2863 Views 0

Wondering about the NCAA March Madness | Bracket Fresh? The Ender Code 2018 NCAA March Madness Bracket Refresh Sweeps is the new Bracket Fresh March game by the food and beverage company. If the participant does not win the game instantly, they will automatically receive an entry into the NCAA March Madness despite considering the entry phase.

Participating in the game is fun yet easy! Read the post below for a detailed information on the Bracket Refresh Sweepstakes.

2018 Coke Bracket Refresh promotion

  • You need to provide a code linked to the NCAA March Madness Bracket Refresh Sweepstakes and there are chances to bag a $20,000 prize.
  • The Coca-Cola Company has backed the Coke.com/BracketRefresh. The company has its headquarters located in the One Coca-Cola Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30313.
  • The Hello world Inc. located at the 3000 Town Center, Suite 2100, Southfield, MI 48075 is hosting the promotional prize draw.

Additional Information

The 2018 Coke Bracket Refresh Sweepstakes will begin on February 26, 2018, and will go on until April 3, 2018. To be a participant you need to meet the following criteria:

  • The participant must be above 13 years of age at the time of filling the entry form.
  • Be a resident of the United States with a government-issued photo ID.
  • A purchase would not take you closer to winning the prize.

How to Enter the March Madness Bracket Refresh

As you might be aware of the entry methods in the March Madness. If not then read the walkthrough below.

You may have come across sayings stating that you need to make a purchase in order to take part in the contest. However, there are provisions to enter the competition without spending at Coca-Cola. For receiving a free code you need to send a request to NCAA March Madness Bracket Refresh – Free Code Request,” P.O. Box 5035, Kalamazoo, MI 49003-5035.

It is recommended that you pack proper details and an x 5 index card that contains the personal details of the contestant.

www.Coke.com Bracket Details

Are you still in a state of utter confusion? If yes then here is all you need to know….

  • There is a limit of one person per envelope. Therefore you can only make a single request per day.
  • A $20,000 check will be issued as the grand prize to the winner.
  • March Madness Fan Boys are required to enter the sweepstakes.

Ref Link

  1. www.coke.com/bracketrefresh
  2. https://us.coca-cola.com/legal/54493/
