SeaWorld Class Action highlights:
- Here you can get to know about all the details associated with the class action lawsuit pending in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Imperial entitled Diaz, et al. v. SeaWorld Entertainment Inc., et al.,
- is administered by Simpluris Inc.
- The lawsuit is cited as case number ECU10046
Class members in the case show that SeaWorld violated the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA) when a SeaWorld customer receipt showed the customer’s credit and/or debit card’s expiration dates. Class members in the case are defined that as anyone in the US who had an electronically printed receipt at a point of sale or transaction at SeaWorld between March 28, 2013, and April 1, 2017, and receipt showed the expiration date of their debit/credit cards.
Though SeaWorld denied of any wrong doings, however, agreed for a settlement in order to avoid further litigation. Class members in the case may receive $25 who submit proof of receipt or two concession certificates with a total value up to $9.50 ($4.50 per certificate). notes:
- Experts closed to the case estimated around 1.3 million receipts were printed with an expiration date
- Proof of purchases are not required in order to obtain settlement rebate
- The settlement fairness hearings were expected to take place around 29th March 2018.
Class members who are looking to contact the Class Administrator can write to SeaWorld FACTA Settlement Administrator, c/o Simpluris Inc., P.O. Box 26170, Santa Ana, CA 92799 or dial toll-free no 888-427-9239. Alternatively, they can write an email to
Valid claims which are submitted by 3/6/2018 by the class members were represented by Kenneth S. Gaines, Daniel F. Gaines and Alex P. Katofsky from the law firm of GAINES & GAINES APLC.
SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. was represented by Robert H. Platt and Adrianne Marshack from the law firm of MANATT PHELPS & PHILLIPS.